
Cost: 6
Prereqs: Battle Surgery, Autopsy, Dissection
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Special

This skill allows the character to painfully disfigure or alter certain body parts on an immobilized character without killing them. This causes pain until the character has been healed. Spells from the Healing School will undo the effects of this skill unless the user of this skill uses the appropriate amount of Moonwater to create an aberration. Any character with this skill can undo any Evisceration performed by another character without the aid of magic, but Sunwater is still necessary to undo an aberration. Characters with the Evisceration skill or Rank 1 Solutions skill can recognize the presence of Moonwater and in what quantity it appears on the character.

Acts of Evisceration are limited by what can be roleplayed in-game or represented through props and make-up. A character cannot, for example, reattach someone’s legs on backwards and expect them to walk. Such extreme acts render limbs useless and cause pain, nothing more. Evisceration does allow the user of the skill to open up a character as if surgery were being performed. Limbs and minor organs can be removed. Characters can be impaled and other extreme forms of torture can be used. This skill does not allow the user to remove or damage the most vital organs (heart, lungs, etc.) Such acts render an immediate Killing Blow. This skill also does not allow the user to seamlessly transplant body parts with other characters. There are additional requirements and limits to Grafting and these are described below.

To create an aberration, a Plot Marshal must approve the creation of any aberration. The character needs to spend 30 minutes in-game roleplaying this skill and use the amount of Moonwater listed in the table below. The character must fill out an Aberration Card (obtained from Plot) detailing the injuries that have been inflicted and the dosage of Moonwater used. This card must be approved and signed by a Plot Marshal and the target character must carry this card with them. A character can only work on one character at a time and only one character can use this skill on the target character at a time. The character must spend the full 30 minutes to use this skill. If they are interrupted or stop, the attempt fails and they must start over again from the beginning.

To cure an aberration, an equal amount of Sunwater must be used before the character can be healed. Alternatively, a character with the Heal Wounds skill can heal an aberration by using a number of Healing Pool Points equal to the amount of Moonwater used.

The types of aberrations the character can create and the amount of Moonwater needed are given in the table below. A character using more than the listed Moonwater has no additional affect.


Amount of Moonwater
per effect

Festering Wounds





Festering Wounds leave open, unhealable wounds on the target character. Up to three Festering Wounds can be created on one character. Each Festering Wound lowers the characters Body Point total by 10%, rounded down.


A character can be Impaled by use of this skill. No object larger than a polearm can be used to impale the character. While impaled, the character is at half their Body Point total. If the impaled object is removed, the character is Mortally Wounded and can still be healed, however they will still be at half their Body Point total until properly healed.

Lobotomizing a character removes a portion of their brain. The target character is affected as if under an Enfeeblement spell. The target character’s memories are never affected by use of the skill.

A character can Graft a body part from one character onto another. Extra limbs, such as a third arm or leg, cannot be added. Wings or tails added are vestigial and do not function. Physical racial abilities such as Claws or gills can be granted to the target character. Immunities, vulnerabilities, skills, powers, knowledge, etc., cannot be transferred. A maximum of a +1 Strength Bonus can be gained by use of this skill.

If an aberration dies and resurrects in the Healers Guild without their body, all aberrations are healed and the character resurrects normally.

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